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Banner exchange

Learn about our banner exchange program, and discover how events can showcase their banner on our website.

Boost your event's exposure through Awoostria's Banner Exchange program! Have your event or con featured in the banner slideshow on our website's footer. In return, we simply ask for the same.

Here's what we need:

  1. Our banner on your site: Add our banner to your website. Our banner is available at Please consider using the link directly instead of hosting the banner image yourself, that way it'll be automatically updated if we change it.
    The image must be clickable, and it must link to Please change YourEventNameHere to the name of your event.

  2. Your banner: It should be 200×80 pixels as a static JPG, PNG, SVG, WEBP, or animated GIF. We may request changes for banners that are too distracting, or if the image size is too large. We automatically append your link with the relevant tracking (UTM) tags, e.g.

How to submit your banner:

Reach out to us through our contact page, or e-mail us at [email protected], and let us know in your message that you want to take part in our banner exchange program. Make sure to also include the following:

  1. Your banner image URL (preferred): Provide a permanent URL for your banner. We check banners for updates once a week, and cache the image meanwhile. Our website won't render the direct link that you provide us, we only use it for updating and caching.

  2. Your banner as a file: If you don't have a way to directly link your banner, just send us the file. Keep in mind that you will need to contact us whenever the banner needs to be updated.

Here's our current banner: