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Conbook artwork submissions

Contribute to the Awoostria Conbook by submitting your own artwork and illustrations!

Do you want to contribute to this year's Awoostria Conbook? Amazing! Let those creative juices flow!

When you're done with your artwork, you may submit it via our form. We will let you know whether your artwork made it into the con book. Just keep in mind, creating a con book takes time and selecting appropriate artwork does as well.

Just keep in mind these important details before creating an art piece:

Full-size illustrations

Theming: Keep our theme in mind while working on your masterpiece! For this year, we've chosen a Cultist / Rituals / Eldritch Horror theme.

Our Conbook will be in colour. Please don't send in any illustrations that are in black and white only.

PG rating: Your illustrations must not exceed the PG-13 rating. No adult artwork is allowed.

Size: Your illustrations must be at least A4, upright (210 × 297 mm) at 300dpi. You may decide to work in a bigger format (we recommend doing that if you want to sell your artwork at a later date), just remember to downsize it before sending it to us. The actual size including bleed will add up to: 214×301 mm.

This means: Part of the full-size illustration will be automatically cropped during the printing process (bleed). Make sure there is around 5 mm of distance between the outermost edges and your precious details; otherwise they will be lost…FOREVER!

This also means: Avoid framing your illustration with borders or picture frame like elements, as they might disappear during the printing process.

File format: Please send in all submissions as JPG set to high export quality settings.

Smaller cutout illustrations

You can also submit smaller illustrations that don't fill a whole page of our Conbook, but can instead be used for various pages throughout.

PG rating: Your illustrations must not exceed the PG-13 rating. No adult artwork is allowed.

Size: You may choose your own size for these artworks. Just make sure they are still at least 300dpi and don't look pixelated on a blank A4 document.

File format: Don't forget to make your cutout artwork's background transparent if you want us to place it between text or above certain graphical elements of the con book. The file format must be PNG.

Conbook Contributions FAQ

Even if your artwork doesn't get selected to be featured inside our Conbook, there is still a chance you might see it again during your stay at our con venue, or on our official website.

You are welcome to send in other artwork that fits the theming!